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Get to know about D'elitians

Helping each other can make world better

We are part of Rotary International District 3201, Charter No: 87497, Chartered on 28th April 2016, As a proud D'elitian we are strongly Intend to make positive impact to society through our rotary motto "service above self".

  • Our mission

    Non-profit Organization , who intend to bring Right people for Right cause across same platform for the benefit of society.

  • Our story

    A Cute Love story, Originated by our beloved Rotarians MPHF Rtn. Prof Vedagiri Ganesan and Late PHF Rtn. Narendra Ranka in the year 2016 for the love of society. Now the D'elite club has grown with Read More collage of like-minded people from various spectrum of professions, You can find the bites of Phsycologist, Educationist, Professors, Engineers, Doctors & Business Expertis from various walks of life. Read Less

Service to Mankind




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What's D'Elite For...

We actively participate in all community service projects...

We actively participate in all community service projects in the area of Education, Medical, Environmental, People Welfare etc.

With a pool of Educationist, Professors we often conduct...

With a pool of Educationist, Professors we often conduct Vocational training programs for youth welfare.

We Brainstrom and Excute various R&D projects for society...

We Brainstrom and Excute various R&D projects for society welfare. Our pet "Sea Shrink Technology" Project is a feather in our cap in the field of innovative service.